Public Notices


NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that Holmes County will hold two public workshops to receive comments regarding future updates to the Land Development Regulations. These workshops are intended to receive public comments specific to the development of land. All are welcome to attend one or both workshops, which will have identical agendas.

Monday, April 21, 6:00 PM

1580 U.S. Hwy 90 – Ponce de Leon, FL

Monday, April 28, 6:00 PM

401 McLaughlin Avenue – Bonifay, FL

Comments are also accepted by email. Please contact the Holmes County Building Department for information at 850-547-1119.  

In accordance with the Americans with Disabilities Act, persons needing assistance in obtaining any information from the County or attending the public workshop should contact the County by calling 850-547-1119 at least 48 hours prior to the hearing.

View Meeting Details & Further Information 



PROJECT NAME:  I-10 & SR 81 Infrastructure Improvements Project          

Sealed bids, three original hard copies, will be received by the Holmes County (BOCC) (Owner), on Tuesday April 1, 2025 until 10:00am local time, at the office of:

Holmes County BOCC,
107 E Virginia Ave
Bonifay, Fl. 32425

for construction of the following described Project:


This project consists of the construction of approximately 1,930 LF of asphalt roadway which will serve as new access for future business development.  The new roadway varies in width from 30’ to 36’ wide and will require clearing and grubbing, earthwork, base material ditch grading and sodding.  Drainage structures are also included consisting of concrete inlets, piping and concrete mitered end sections.  Also included are the construction of stormwater ponds, fencing and pavement striping.  This project also includes utility upgrades consisting of the construction of approximately 8,700 LF of 10” water main extension from the City water tower to Joe Manning Road.  Sewer upgrades are also included consisting of the construction of a new sewer lift station, 8” gravity sewer with concrete manholes and a 4” sewer force main. 

Plans, specifications, and contract documents will be open to public inspection at the office listed above or may be obtained from:

David H. Melvin Consulting Engineers
Attn:  Rod Adams, P.E.
4428 Lafayette Street, P.O. Box 840, Marianna, Florida 32447
(850) 482-3045

upon payment of $250 per hard copy set which amount constitutes the cost of reproduction and handling.  This payment will not be refunded.  Electronic Copies of bid documents will be available free of charge.  The Owner plans to open bids and publicly read aloud on    April 1, 2025    at 10:00am or soon thereafter, at the Holmes County BOCC  Board Room located at 107 E Virginia Ave; Bonifay, FL 32425. 

The Owner reserves the right to waive any informality or to reject any or all bids.  Each Bidder must deposit with his/her bid, security in the amount, form and subject to the conditions provided in the Information for Bidders.  Sureties used for obtaining bonds must appear as acceptable according to the Department of Treasury Circular 570.

No bid may be withdrawn for a period of sixty days after the scheduled closing time for receipt of bids.

Attention: Non-Mandatory Pre-Bid Meeting on March 12, 2025 at 10:00am CT.  Meeting to be held at the DHM upstairs conference room located at 4428 Lafayette Street; Marianna, FL 32446.

Attention:  Bidding Contractors must be prequalified by the DEPARTMENT (FDOT) as required by Section 2 of the current FDOT Standard Specifications for Road and Bridge Construction